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Gang Rules

Combat Log / Purposeful Disconnect (24 HR BAN)

When in an active scene, disconnecting to avoid punishment is against the rules. Accidental crashes should be communicated via Discord Ticket if unable to log back in. This includes:
  • F8 quit.
  • Alt-F4.
  • Pulling the plug on your router or computer.
  • Throwing your computer out of the window.

Gang Colors in the city: Red, Grey, Black, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, & White

You must wear an identifiable gang Flag or MC Vest at all times while conducting any and all gang activities.

  • No flag-wearing if you're not whitelisted and have gone through the discord ticket process.
  • You are only permitted to be in 1 gang at a time.
  • Everyone and every Gang must be unique. To be admitted into a gang, everyone must submit a gang ticket on Discord.
  • You must submit a white-listed gang application, which lists all of your members who are in the gang if accepted. No one may be added until you advance through each tier.
  • Once accepted, you may then wear the flag/colors, and you are subject to the whitelisted gang rules listed below.

Gang HQs can not be pushed by non-whitelisted gangs

  • You may not dress in opposing gang colors to pretend to be a part of the opposing gang.
  • If a gang is found to be inactive for 30+ days, they will be removed.
  • You are still expected to follow all NGRP server rules. This includes LEO interactions. Any criminal action must still adhere to all the NGRP General Rules. Just because you are a gang member does not mean you can just shoot cops.
  • Gang leaders must keep their roster up-to-date so the Staff team can review it anytime.
  • Staff or Gang Managers may request that certain gang members be removed from the roster before a tier advance is granted. The gang leader must maintain the roster.
  • If you are in a gang and leave, you have a 2-week cooldown for future gang activity.
  • It is the responsibility of the Gang Leader Or Gang Leadership to ensure the gang rules are being followed and understood by every member of the gang.
  • Respect your fellow Gang Members. Do not take items from community gang stashes unless you are quitting, kicked out, or banned.
  • A gang must have a minimum of 1 leader and can have a maximum of 2 leaders.
  • Gang Leaders must be in the city for at least 45 days before applying to create a gang.
  • Gang Members must be in the city for 16 days before applying for a gang.
  • Gangs will have a minimum of 4 on the roster. (1 leader, 3 Members)

This is first and foremost a roleplay server. It is not your personal gang server, and it is not GTA Online. If you are warring with someone, you should have a good RP reason to do so. If you do not agree with this, there are plenty of other servers out there that will cater to your play style. All the rules depicted here are subject to change based on the effect these rules have on the overall health of the server.

Gangs are not all about running around and shooting each other, so please do not feel that every gang has to be hostile and cause problems; be original and creative. Initiate before shooting. You are expected to roleplay and use your words; even if “beef” occurs over social media, you are still expected to RP in person.

Gangs are liable for known or caught modders in their gang, and if they are known, this will result in the disbandment of the entire gang or two strikes.

We expect gang leaders to be requesting bodycams from suspected modders to help ensure modding is not happening. Staff may request some of this bodycam at any time.

Gangs will be divided into 3 Tiers:

During level one, you are on a 3-week trial phase. Bring the RP In order to rank up, you must avoid strikes, be active with all members, and be deemed by the gang management to be permitted another level. Each group may not exceed their allotted member count until they have moved to the next tier.

Level 1 - 6 members (whitelisted-trial phase)

Level 2 - 10 members (whitelisted)

Level 3 - 15 members (whitelisted)

  • L1 - 2 Prospects
  • L2 - 3-4 Prospects
  • L3- 4-5 Prospects

All prospects must be on the roster as a prospect for 7 days before becoming a full member


WILL NOT** participate in any Gang beef/fights or anything else in an official capacity as they aren’t full members When confronting a player about the clothes or colors they are wearing, you must ensure the player is wearing 75% of your gang's color, or they CAN NOT be pressed over just a chain or mask.

Repetitive violence against another gang is prohibited unless a gang war has been started. This includes robbing, stalking, and killing rival gang members. Individual conflicts can still occur, but they must end swiftly.

A Gang strike system will be applied and enforced.

Violations of gang rules and violations of gang war agreements may constitute a strike, Repeated violations of server rules by Gang members over multiple scenes may constitute a strike, Violations of server rules by multiple Gang members in a single scene may constitute a strike

3 Gang strikes are the maximum.

When the third Gang strike is recorded, the Gang will be disbanded and subsequently removed. Any items stored in Gang facilities will also be forfeited.

Gang strikes can be requested to be removed after 14 days. Staff will have the final say-so in this matter.

Staff disrespect can result in a gang strike as well as a 12-hour ban for that person.

This means gang leaders must keep their members under control, especially in staff tickets.

If the defending group is protecting its home block against an attacking group, it doesn't need to adjust conflict numbers during a surprise attack. However, the conflict caps must be enforced once the fight leaves the block.

Expect aggression when traveling on another gang’s block/turf or other criminal area. Gangs should escalate scenarios appropriately within role play. Gangs should tell individuals on their block to leave the area initially and flex that it is their block.

Continued situations where people do not respect your area can lead to escalation. You should fear for your life when a gang presses you on their block.

Please remember that anything territory-related requires that you follow the whitelist gang rules. This means you must be in your approved attire to sell/ pickup or do anything that influences territories in any way. Catching someone selling does not mean you can just shoot them. You are still required to initiate. We will be discussing this change together as a group, until then initiation is still required. You can lean heavily into gang initiation as defined by the whitelist rules.


Payback on gangs is not every 45 min but only once, and they have to wait for the other gang to retaliate first. The aggressor gang can re-initiate the next day (within 48 hours) if no Payback has occurred. Gangs need to RP out the end of conflicts, no opening tickets for staff to stop a beef in the city.

Payback on PD is only once (within 48 hours) unless a new backstory is to occur. It is not with the entire Police Force. It is only with the officer/officers you have that backstory.

The PD will now wait 5 minutes before engaging in Compound fights. The street fight will remain the same at a 3-minute timer for scene length.

Stop jumping directly on the highway for getaways. Give them a chase and make it fun for both sides. Depending on the severity of the chase, there may be consequences.


A gang war is a formal conflict between two gangs. Gang wars settle disputes with a limited timeframe and participants by using predesigned rules and limitations. During a war, gang members MUST be wearing a flag at all times. Vehicle colors during a Gang war must mirror the base color of the gang.


Gang wars last a maximum of 7 days. The same gangs can't start a new war for 7 days. If the war lasts 7 days, the winner is chosen based on proximity to victory. Staff approval is needed for limit changes.

Gang Leaders can break the cycle at any time during the seven days by requesting Peace in another face-to-face meeting between Gang Leaders.

Before a gang war starts, a significant event must have occurred, and the reason must make sense regarding quality role-play.

Leaders must meet face-to-face to start and end a gang war. Declaration and first attack must be separate. *Travel to and from a Parely is considered a Protected Activity. The Location will be the Church (Postal 694), including a 2-block perimeter around the church

During the Attack / Retaliate cycle, the attacker can only attack again once the defender has retaliated.

If the defending Gang fails to retaliate within three days, then the War is over, with the Attacker being declared the victor.

When a gang war is created, the terms that will determine the winner of the war must be agreed upon by the two gang leaders and the “wager” at stake. The wager can be any reward for winning the war, such as money, items, vehicles, agreements, etc.

A Staff team member will determine if an agreement can not be reached for either the criteria to win the war or the wager.

During a gang war, it is prohibited to use the 911 system to get revived. If Police / EMS does appear, it is of their own volition. LEO/EMS will not be required to go into a gang area where shootouts are constant continually. If Vehicles bearing the color of an Attacking/retaliation gang enter a Gang Turf, it can be pressed and escalated to violence. Before you act in a deadly manner, you must confirm the car is a rival gang; you CAN NOT just open fire because “you think.”

In most cases, the request for peace should be accepted unless there is a good reason to push for more war.

In a Gang war, you cannot recruit other gangs' “allies” if outnumbered. A transaction must be agreed upon. All potential allies from both sides must be declared during the initial meeting between leaders. No free assistance is allowed. Conflict capacity must not be exceeded.

KOS HAS to be agreed upon between the 2 gang leaders. KOS only lasts 30 minutes or until one leader or admin calls it off. Both gang leaders must have verbal and written confirmation in gang chats. Once announced in both chats, ask a higher-up to announce in the game that a KOS will happen between both gangs.

In a KOS event, LEOs, and EMS are not expected to respond to all calls. Ensure all gang members are on the same page and ready for KOS.

Staff will handle promotions between tiers based on the overall RP presented by the Gang.

No outing entire gangs to PD or providing sensitive information simply for OOC reasons: If providing a substantial amount of evidence to the police, staff will review it before it can be used. It must pertain to the storyline and have actual RP behind it.

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