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Server Rules

Welcome to Next Generation Roleplay

Here are the Official NGRP Rules. This contains all rules that are to be followed by our Community Members at all times while being in the city. Also refer to The Guide Book In City, ⁠The Essence of Roleplay (Da Rul… and ⁠︱💼・gang-rules Our rules are made with quality roleplay and the player in mind. These rules are just basic guidelines for good Role-Play. They are not there to limit It but to enhance it. Please read these rules carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to Contact us via our Official Discord. Keep an open mind, and understand that these rules help improve life at NGRP and make the experience enjoyable!


Players are expected to create unique characters with unique traits. When they enter the city, these characters have no knowledge of worldly events or the other individuals that reside within it.

  • All characters must have a backstory and realistic motivations for all of their actions
  • All of your actions should have meaning. No random acts or events that fall outside of your character's story.
Your character's interactions should primarily facilitate other people's roleplay. This means that words and player-to-player interaction are expected to be used primarily over other forceful means, such as weapons.

Respectful Environment

The following are strictly prohibited and will result in punishment.

  • Aggressive or disrespectful behaviors and actions.
  • Targeting, bullying, or toxic behavior.
  • Comments that do not promote a positive, inclusive environment involving racism, sexism, homophobia, politics, suicide, or self-harm.

Metagaming (24 - 48 HR BAN)

Metagaming is defined as the use of information obtained outside of the game for use inside of the game, granting an unfair advantage.

  • Use of external communications, ex. Discord must also be relayed in character for use in RP.
  • No discussions outside of the city should affect your in-city actions.
  • Viewing of “screenshots” or “recordings” (other players) should not result in character action if not obtained in roleplay.
  • Stream sniping (using someone’s live stream to find their location to interact in any way) is considered metagaming and is punishable as such. Any live-streaming source outside of the game world is covered by this, so don’t do it.

Transferring items between your own characters is also metagaming. This includes using middlemen to achieve the same task. Lastly, selling in-game items/money/properties for real-life cash is strictly forbidden. While technically a metagaming offense, you will be permanently banned for that.

Breaking Character

Players are never permitted to go Out of Character while in-game.

  • Never break character while in city.
  • TUse of voice chat in the game is strictly in character.
  • The use of /me should be only used to describe actions. General discussion is not permitted in /me.

Fail RP (12 -24 HR BAN)

FailRP can be anything regarding an extremely unrealistic situation that is used in the game to gain an advantage. This rule is meant to be used with common sense. Would your character do this in real life? Does it match with your character’s storyline?

Examples of FailRP would be:

  • Never break character while in city.
  • Illegal activities in or around any police station Roleplaying your injuries incorrectly. I.e., You were shot by a shotgun but claim that you tripped over a bench.
  • Tweeting to police about the crime. (*there would be some scenarios where this might be OK'd ask Staff in a support ticket.)
  • Fleeing while cuffed or in custody.
  • Fake hostages (using friends or approaching someone and asking them to be a hostage for a scenario)
  • Returning to or approaching the scene of a crime for the sole reason of reviving your friends.
  • Injecting: Disrupting a scene that is already ongoing without being involved by a scene participant, especially in a manner that interferes with the outcome or progression of the RP.
  • Blowing up cars because “you are bored.”
  • The usage of teleporters to gain an advantage during a scene. Using your garage when you are being pursued, Jumping in and out of a house during a shootout.
  • Being part of a scene but refusing to roleplay with the players involved in the scene. Not reacting to a group with guns pointing at you, acting in an unrealistic way based on the scene that is currently ongoing, driving up to a crime scene to aid someone but not reacting to the police telling you to leave.

New Life Rule (24 HR BAN)

  • A. If your character goes down in a scene, your involvement is terminated. If the scene continues, you can not revisit the location until it is completed.
  • B. If you're wounded (on your side), EMS will transport you to the nearest Medical Center for treatment. Your Character will lose 15 minutes of knowledge.
  • C. If you're unconscious (on your back), EMS will transport you to the nearest Medical Center for treatment. Your Character will lose the knowledge of the last scene or 1 hour, whichever is longer.
  • D. If your timer runs out, you die and will force respawn. Your Character will lose the knowledge of the last scene or 1 hour, whichever is longer, and all inventory.
  • E. You may attempt to carry your buddy to medical attention, if EMS is on you must use them. Your car must be able to support an additional person.

Roleplaying Death / Perma-Death (12 - 24 HR BAN)

  • Players may not "respawn" off of an active roleplay scene. The only time respawn may be utilized is when there is no active roleplay in progress or no police or EMS able to respond to your scene. (24 Hour Ban)
  • Players will never be forced to roleplay the death of their character by another character. This would be power gaming.
  • Players who opt to permadeath their character will be admitted to the hospital permanently. Use /me to communicate with the medical staff that permadeath is happening. It is the expectation that the player then deletes this character immediately and creates an entirely new persona. Failure to delete your character or create a character with the same persona as the previous one will be classified as Failed roleplay.

Powergaming (24 HR BAN)

Power gaming is defined as forcing players down a single path with no other options within roleplay. Examples of this may be defined as…

  • Robbing players at a bank and forcing them to turn over all of their money.
  • Robbing players by forcing them to transfer vehicles.
  • Killing players who have complied with your demands.
  • Forcing players to perma-death.
  • Using a menu to gain an advantage (i.e. store menus, shops, CAD) somewhere a player wouldn't have control
  • Dropping unconscious players off in a location not accessible to emergency services (i.e., ocean dumping), but you may hide the body in a place that is accessible.

Combat Log / Purposeful Disconnect (24 HR BAN)

When in an active scene, disconnecting to avoid punishment is against the rules. Accidental crashes should be communicated via Discord Ticket if unable to log back in. This includes:

  • F8 quit.
  • Alt-F4.
  • Pulling the plug on your router or computer.
  • Throwing your computer out of the window.

Rejoining/Re-Injecting Roleplay Scenes (12 HR BAN)

Once you have cleared the scene, you may no longer re-interject yourself into that RP scenario. Clearing the scene is defined as traveling more than 1 block away from the immediate area and breaking the line of sight from those involved without being followed or pursued. This includes:

  • Driving away or leaving the area of a scene. (use your best judgment, approx. 3-4 city blocks. Don't be dumb if you're gonna leave the area leave the area...)
  • Disconnecting and coming back with a different character.
  • Constantly driving back and forth in front of a roleplay scene after abandoning the scene.

Exploiting (24 - 72 hour Ban)

The following are strictly prohibited and will result in a permaban.

  • Use of any mechanics or systems to duplicate items.
  • Modifying game files to allow unintended mechanics to occur within the city.
  • Cheating to obtain items or money through “out-of-city means.”
  • Disconnecting in order to spawn in a new area
  • Selling Police and EMS equipment as a government-employed character.

Deathmatching (RDM/VDM) (24 HR BAN)

  • Shooting, injuring, or killing another player without proper means of roleplay.
  • Utilization of guns (or other lethal mechanics such as vehicles) versus words with no proper initiation.
    • Example :You suck! pew pew pew -There should be some conversation as buildup prior to lethal interactions.
  • No recognizable reason to reference your player's actions.

Breaking Realism / Serious Roleplay (12 - 24 HR BAN)

The following are strictly prohibited and will result in steep punishment.

  • Vehicle Scenarios
    • Use of jumps/ramps. (*Ramps that would unrealistically launch you in the air where a vehicle IRL would not survive the landing or land you on a roof. This isn't The Fast and Furious universe) (*Some jumps and paths around the city may be utilized; be smart about it... if you do not know, ask Staff)
    • Taking sedans or small vehicles up inclines. Only the use of SUVs/Trucks/off-road equipped vehicles should operate in hills or mountainous terrain. (Realistically, you wouldn't take a hypercar off-roading)
    • Ramming your vehicle into other players or vehicles with no intent of roleplay.
    • Use of all helicopters or planes at low altitudes in the city. (Generally at or below City Scape) (Exceptions to SAST & SAFR while in RP)
  • Player Scenarios
    • Utilizing weapons or interacting with other characters in a sense that would not happen in real life.
    • Failing to value your own life. You are expected to comply when facing force or violence.

Miscellaneous Rules

  • Characters must have realistic names. No blatant sexual puns or unrealistic names, no political names.
  • No intentional cop-baiting or forcing cop interactions. (12 HR BAN)
  • No stealing EMS vehicles. (24 HR BAN)
  • No robbing or kidnapping of EMS. (24 HR BAN)
  • No torture or suicide roleplay. (will result in Character deletion and 24-hour ban)
  • Hiring killers or putting out contracts (hitman RP) (24 HR BAN)
  • Don’t just go around robbing players. Camping at locations with the intent to rob anyone who shows up will not be allowed.
  • No racism will be tolerated on the server, including slang words that can be considered offensive to some. (48 HR BAN)
  • Homophobic, racial, or gender-offensive slurs of any kind can and likely will result in a ban. These will not be tolerated here. Slurs against nationality are also not tolerated. (48 HR BAN)
  • Any sexual RP is not allowed. Doesn’t matter if it’s consensual or away from others. Don’t do it. This will result in a permanent ban.
  • Rape RP is not allowed and will result in permanent removal from the community. Don’t do it. This will result in a permanent ban.
  • You must have working clipping software to be in a Whitelisted Role: ( LAW ENFORCEMENT, GANGS, FIRE RESCUE) some examples:
    • Medal
    • insight
    • shadowplay
    • OBS

Player reports should occur at the end of a scene. Do not stop a scene in progress.

Staff disrespect will earn you a 12-hour ban

Capital Punishment

  • Capital Punishment will happen if you are convicted of 3 Violent Felonies (Murder, Attempted Murder) in a 30-day period.
  • Any act of terrorism which results in serious bodily injury or death will result in character deletion.

Staff members have the final say and discretion on all disciplinary actions. Some actions may result in an immediate permanent ban with no other warnings.

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