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  1. tinman4204

    Fixed tinman4204 - Dono car has no sound rt300wb

    Username: tinman4204 Bug Title: Dono car has no sound rt300wb When did the bug start? Jun 27, 2024 What's the expected behavior? No engine or driving sound What behavior occurs? No sound rt3000wb Reproduction Steps: Give it sound Media: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
  2. tinman4204

    Invalid Bug tinman4204 - car wont move

    Username: tinman4204 Bug Title: car wont move When did the bug start? Mar 14, 2024 What's the expected behavior? get car out cant move it What behavior occurs? n/a Reproduction Steps: n/a Media: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
  3. tinman4204

    Fixed tinman4204 - ambo cant carry more then on person

    Username: tinman4204 Bug Title: ambo cant carry more then on person When did the bug start? Feb 27, 2024 What's the expected behavior? you can only ride with one person in a ambo What behavior occurs? only one Reproduction Steps: n/a Media: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
  4. tinman4204

    Fixed tinman4204 - SCBA

    Username: tinman4204 Bug Title: SCBA When did the bug start? Feb 17, 2024 What's the expected behavior? NOT WORKING What behavior occurs? SAME Reproduction Steps: CANT HIT E TO USE SCBA FOR FIRE CALLS Media: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
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