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being able to put an unconscious person in car trunk


Jul 11, 2024
Reaction score
when theres no ems an the npc ems always bugs out i wish my friend can put me in the back of the car so he can drive me to hospital than having to run all the way over there :)
This is something we have been actively discussing, however when we previously had this enabled (similar action, you could place in the back seat) players were doing this bypassing ems even when there were 5+ active, taking away from their RP or responding to calls. Now in current population this could be re discussed.
This is something we have been actively discussing, however when we previously had this enabled (similar action, you could place in the back seat) players were doing this bypassing ems even when there were 5+ active, taking away from their RP or responding to calls. Now in current population this could be re discussed.
Okay thanks, I know as of now it's been a frustrating situation always being in.
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