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Change Up the Starting Area for New Fly Ins


Staff member
Jan 16, 2024
Reaction score
With the new MLO at Sandy's airport, I think it would be cool, if possible, to move the starting location out there, maybe add a car rental option at the car rental place that is already there. Maybe even move the location on where to get a driver's licenses up there. This would have new fly in's actually be in more than just the main part of the city, and would give reasons for cops to go up to Sandy and further their RP.
With the new MLO at Sandy's airport, I think it would be cool, if possible, to move the starting location out there, maybe add a car rental option at the car rental place that is already there. Maybe even move the location on where to get a driver's licenses up there. This would have new fly in's actually be in more than just the main part of the city, and would give reasons for cops to go up to Sandy and further their RP.
I agree with this, I feel as though this could help new player retention and stretch the map out.
With the new MLO at Sandy's airport, I think it would be cool, if possible, to move the starting location out there, maybe add a car rental option at the car rental place that is already there. Maybe even move the location on where to get a driver's licenses up there. This would have new fly in's actually be in more than just the main part of the city, and would give reasons for cops to go up to Sandy and further their RP.
The problem is the fly in scene, hotel, driving school and taxi script along with multi character would require modifications. You're taking 10+ hours of dev time.
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