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Fixed deliroast - phone camera photos dont work


New member
Jan 21, 2024
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Username: deliroast

Bug Title: phone camera photos dont work

When did the bug start? Feb 6, 2024

What's the expected behavior? i should be able to take my phone out and take a picture of something and see it in my gallery after ive taken it

What behavior occurs? i take out my phone and take a picture and when i go to see it in the gallery or when someone posts a picture on social media its just a white screen and its broken

Reproduction Steps: take out phone, open camera, take photo, look in gallery and see its not there/broken

Media: File(s) attached


  • image_2024-02-06_230201063.png
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Username: br3ndino

Bug Title: All Pictures Broken after selfie during storm

When did the bug start? Feb 9, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Pictures should work on all apps

What behavior occurs? Pictures after the selfie taken show broken picture icon, but pictures from before work fine.

Reproduction Steps: Take a selfie during storm when server is about to restart

Media: File(s) attached


  • bugreport.png
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F8 capture for reference - also having the same issue, once you eventually relog enough times and your phone apps get wiped (where you need to reinstall the apps after logging in) the photo issue is fixed (until it inevitably breaks again a day or two later)


  • phone photos issue.jpg
    phone photos issue.jpg
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Username: johnw10

Bug Title: pictures dont appear

When did the bug start? Feb 9, 2024

What's the expected behavior? open phone camera roll, birdie, or instapic and have pictures show

What behavior occurs? pictures are null and dont appear

Reproduction Steps: open phone and check pictures

This will be resolved moving forward, historical photos are lost.
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