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Fixed devilsden2786 - jobs are broken at the prsion and it doesnt tell you how much time is left


New member
Jan 29, 2024
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Username: devilsden2786

Bug Title: jobs are broken at the prsion and it doesnt tell you how much time is left

When did the bug start? Jun 11, 2024

What's the expected behavior? that jobs take off time when done and it displays how much time you have left

What behavior occurs? it doesnt display the timer and jobs arent taking off time

Reproduction Steps: go to jail and try and do jobs and look at the timer

Confirmed, did several jobs but still had to serve the full sentence time and was unable to locate anywhere that told me how much time I had left to serve.
I also had this issue. I also finished my sentence, and I had to head pop for it to recognize that my sentence was over. When I got TP'd back to the entrance, I still had my prison outfit on.
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