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Pending Confirmation floppyduck401 - vehicle stops working at autoshop


New member
Apr 21, 2024
Reaction score
Username: floppyduck401

Bug Title: vehicle stops working at autoshop

When did the bug start? Jun 30, 2024

What's the expected behavior? when in the parking lot of the harmony auto repair in grapeseed you should be able to drive

What behavior occurs? when in the parking lot of the harmony autorepair in grapeseed its almost like your car gets stuck on ice it just spins tires and dont move this happened with any car iv tested it with

Reproduction Steps: get a car
and try to drive thru the parking lot of grapeseed harmony auto repair

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Tested 3 diff vehicles with no issue, however I do know some low sports cars were having issues on even the slightest bit of dirt road the other day for me so this might be that issue?
Tested 3 diff vehicles with no issue, however I do know some low sports cars were having issues on even the slightest bit of dirt road the other day for me so this might be that issue?
yes i just tested it,it seems like it only does it to any vehicle thats low
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