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Fixed jetfighter491 - Local EMS still doesn't take people to hospital


Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Username: jetfighter491

Bug Title: Local EMS still doesn't take people to hospital

When did the bug start? Jun 6, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Local EMS to arrive and take patient to hospital

What behavior occurs? Instead it picks people up and traps them in the ambulance.

Reproduction Steps: Die and wait for Local EMS

I've tested this a few times. Notes for Robert:

1st attempt: AI ambo got me to hospital just fine, barring having murdered a few locals on the way with his erratic driving.
2nd attempt: AI ambo for some reason wasn't able to reach me, so after about 4 minutes I was TP'd to the hospital and recovered without losing any of my things.
3rd attempt: AI ambo got close, after about 8 minutes of the guy not reaching me, it TP'd me into the ambulance, where we sat stuck sideways getting hit by local traffic stuck on a median. I sat for 20 minutes before getting TP'd to hospital, didn't lose any money but did lose the rest of my inventory (saw the light)
I adjusted several settings to make this a better experience. Please reopen the bug if this issue persists after tonight's restart.
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