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Confirmed Bug l0rd_jar - RAM SAST Grappler not installing properly


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Apr 23, 2024
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Username: l0rd_jar

Bug Title: RAM SAST Grappler not installing properly

When did the bug start? May 26, 2024

What's the expected behavior? /grappler install at hood installs grappler

What behavior occurs? /grappler install at hood moves character but does not install, when getting in vehicle and driving forward, character immediately jumps out of truck to install grappler at a screeching halt.

Reproduction Steps: /grappler install anywhere near truck, get in truck when player doesn't install, drive forward. Character should immediately jump out after slamming brakes and install grappler.

Can you post a picture so I know exactly which vehicle this is?
Username: l0rd_jar

Bug Title: RAM SAST Grappler not installing properly

When did the bug start? May 26, 2024

What's the expected behavior? /grappler install at hood installs grappler

What behavior occurs? /grappler install at hood moves character but does not install, when getting in vehicle and driving forward, character immediately jumps out of truck to install grappler at a screeching halt.

Reproduction Steps: /grappler install anywhere near truck, get in truck when player doesn't install, drive forward. Character should immediately jump out after slamming brakes and install grappler.

Tested, doesn't happen every time (tested twice, worked properly first time, bug occurred the second time) Truck spawn code Code3162500

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tested. While there was a delay in the installation. It did install, deploy, and engage a vehicle correctly
will confirm there is some issues to look at.

install has a delay and doesn't always work (numerous vehicles, seems script-related)
deploy functions 100%
reset and remove are having issues. The animation takes you to the front but then doesn't continue or actually remove anything.
Username: lilbuff716

Bug Title: Grappler system not functioning on some SAST vehicles

When did the bug start? Jun 16, 2024

What's the expected behavior? The grappler system is functional and in the correct position for each vehicle

What behavior occurs? SAST Ram (code3162500)-after the grappler is installed, it is positioned way off center away from the truck floating
Nothing happens while attempting to install grappler- crown vic (code311seda), charger (code318seda), Taurus (code316sedan), Mustang (code318 muscle), Camaro (code316musc), Taurus (code316seda)

Reproduction Steps: Enter any of the above listed vehicles and attempt to install the grappler.

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