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Fixed lilbuff716 - Boat license practical test wont let you finish


New member
Jun 3, 2024
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Username: lilbuff716

Bug Title: Boat license practical test wont let you finish

When did the bug start? Jun 18, 2024

What's the expected behavior? When you get to the final docking point of the practical course, you are able to access the pier to moor the boat.

What behavior occurs? The boat was fixed in a position which wouldnt let me on the pier and I was stuck inside an invisible box inside the water so I couldnt even swim to the shore and walk up the pier

Reproduction Steps: Attempt the practical of the boating license, complete all checkpoints and attempt the final one to moor the boat

Username: lilbuff716

Bug Title: Boat license practical test wont let you finish

When did the bug start? Jun 18, 2024

What's the expected behavior? When you get to the final docking point of the practical course, you are able to access the pier to moor the boat.

What behavior occurs? The boat was fixed in a position which wouldnt let me on the pier and I was stuck inside an invisible box inside the water so I couldnt even swim to the shore and walk up the pier

Reproduction Steps: Attempt the practical of the boating license, complete all checkpoints and attempt the final one to moor the boat

Its a little tricky as the dock is high but with you boat parked at the checkpoint you are able to jump from the boat up onto the dock - Devs if we're able to change the location of this it'd be helpful but it is possible to complete at its current location albeit a little annoying.
It would be beneficial if it was able to be altered so you had a chance to repark if you are too far away. I had this issue where I was actually unable to reach the dock
Its a little tricky as the dock is high but with you boat parked at the checkpoint you are able to jump from the boat up onto the dock - Devs if we're able to change the location of this it'd be helpful but it is possible to complete at its current location albeit a little annoying.
When I tried doing it there was no was to jump onto the dock. I had shared my eyes with Scottie when I was trying it
Its a little tricky as the dock is high but with you boat parked at the checkpoint you are able to jump from the boat up onto the dock - Devs if we're able to change the location of this it'd be helpful but it is possible to complete at its current location albeit a little annoying.
Confirmed if you don't park close enough to the dock it still completes the step (as the circle is big-ish) but you arent always close enough to be able to climb up onto the dock at its too high up. Location should be moved if possible.
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