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Fixed marshm3110w - When death time runs out (both timers) it doesnt auto respawn


Jan 1, 2024
Reaction score
Username: marshm3110w

Bug Title: When death time runs out (both timers) it doesnt auto respawn

When did the bug start? Feb 1, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Auto respawn after timers are up

What behavior occurs? Stay a 0 on timer and can still be treated

Reproduction Steps: die

Username: marshm3110w

Bug Title: Bleed Out to fast or can’t be stop with a bandage (no tourniquet either)

When did the bug start? Jan 1, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Not bleed out so quickly to at least have a chance, if EMS are on but I start to bleed out in poleto or oil rig there’s no chance of making it as it won’t let me check in with EMS on. (Maybe if that number at hospital check in could move to 6-7 clocked in EMS) when they have enough resources to cover city and county. In the case with AI fighters, even with armor on 2 rounds will cause bleed out to start before you lose armor, at that point the heist is done and you have to leave. This is unfortunate as armor is basically pointless as I’m losing armor and health as I’m being shot. On the oil rig this is a hassle as they spawn directly behind you within feet. I do have that piece on the clip where 2 spawned within feet of us.

What behavior occurs? Get shot once or twice and bleed out starts, no reason to have to armor at the moment.

Reproduction Steps: Get in a shoot out.

Username: marshm3110w

Bug Title: Bleed Out to fast or can’t be stop with a bandage (no tourniquet either)

When did the bug start? Jan 1, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Not bleed out so quickly to at least have a chance, if EMS are on but I start to bleed out in poleto or oil rig there’s no chance of making it as it won’t let me check in with EMS on. (Maybe if that number at hospital check in could move to 6-7 clocked in EMS) when they have enough resources to cover city and county. In the case with AI fighters, even with armor on 2 rounds will cause bleed out to start before you lose armor, at that point the heist is done and you have to leave. This is unfortunate as armor is basically pointless as I’m losing armor and health as I’m being shot. On the oil rig this is a hassle as they spawn directly behind you within feet. I do have that piece on the clip where 2 spawned within feet of us.

What behavior occurs? Get shot once or twice and bleed out starts, no reason to have to armor at the moment.

Reproduction Steps: Get in a shoot out.

this was turned up to 6 min on both?
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