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Fixed scoobyyy_ - Donator Shop


New member
Jun 19, 2024
Reaction score
Username: scoobyyy_

Bug Title: Donator Shop

When did the bug start? Jul 17, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Donator shop seems to be bugged slightly. It brings up menu sometimes even if standing in the back. I just went to open my menu and it purchased a random car.

What behavior occurs? Donator shop seems to be bugged slightly. It brings up menu sometimes even if standing in the back. I just went to open my menu and it purchased a random car.

Reproduction Steps: Maybe have to confirm purchase before buying, All I did was press E to access VIP menu and it bought a car

To clarify, when you go to the back of dono where the other menu is (for items that aren't cars), it says press E to open menu but at the same time it may have a car purchasing menu open so if you hit E it'll purchase the car when you're just trying to open a menu. Also, pressing E eats food, so maybe change the keybind or make them have to click to confirm purchase or something?
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