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Fixed sivon.studios - Sast


New member
Dec 8, 2023
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Username: sivon.studios

Bug Title: Sast

When did the bug start? Feb 14, 2024

What's the expected behavior? There are several things that need to be addressed as far as needs for sast at the moment. One of which is the doors need to be looked at again as most doors have been messed up again as far as locks. The evidence analysis is not working as well. We aren't able to analyze anything. Lastly the SAST store is not allowing us to purchase anything.

What behavior occurs? Briefly touched on all the behaviors that are happening.

Reproduction Steps: Doors need to be locked and secured. Evidence- Try and analyze evidence and nothing comes up. Store- try and purchase anything. The store is up but it does not take money out of the society fund or put anything in your pockets.

No as I can't analyze evidence. It doesn't give me the option to but I can see the stored evidence after analyzing. I think we did a temp fix where the money comes from our pockets but I think that's a boss menu issue
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