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Invalid Bug wolffin4_6b8 - stuck in petmenu submenu, backspace not working?


New member
Apr 18, 2024
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Username: wolffin4_6b8

Bug Title: stuck in petmenu submenu, backspace not working?

When did the bug start? Jun 30, 2024

What's the expected behavior? to be able to exit pet menu submenus with backspace, as indicated

What behavior occurs? In pet menu when I tried to use the ''control'', or ''emote'' options (didn't test the others, pet revives are so expensive) the indicated keybind arrowkeys etc didn't seem to do anything. So I figured something was scuffed, and tried to close the menu with backspace as it said to do, but that one also didn't work. Tried esc just in case too. Left clicking away did work to get out of the menu, but as a result I always kicked my cat which was a bit of a bummer.

Reproduction Steps: try to control or emote with your pet (cat)

Username: wolffin4_6b8

Bug Title: stuck in petmenu submenu, backspace not working?

When did the bug start? Jun 30, 2024

What's the expected behavior? to be able to exit pet menu submenus with backspace, as indicated

What behavior occurs? In pet menu when I tried to use the ''control'', or ''emote'' options (didn't test the others, pet revives are so expensive) the indicated keybind arrowkeys etc didn't seem to do anything. So I figured something was scuffed, and tried to close the menu with backspace as it said to do, but that one also didn't work. Tried esc just in case too. Left clicking away did work to get out of the menu, but as a result I always kicked my cat which was a bit of a bummer.

Reproduction Steps: try to control or emote with your pet (cat)

I haven't been able to replicate this, do you have a clip of it?
No, this is from like over a week ago before we were required to have the clipping thing. Idk why it says bug started jun 30th, I guess I misclicked on the calendar, didn't realise you could select dates in the future.
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