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Just SAFR stuff that might be cool to add.


Staff member
Dec 27, 2023
Reaction score
People going down in vehicles requiring SAFR to execrate them out of the vehicle.
(If possible) new ways of tech rescue possibly for more roleplay, so like rope rescues, hazmat and those type of things.
MLO fires if possible such as places that have a higher risk of having fires, such as a auto shops, restaurant, evidence locker at SAST stations.
SAFR boats as well as a garage for them (if they're not already added)

But yeah mostly just stuff that could make SAFR work more effectively, and give us more roleplay scenarios.
1.) People going down in vehicles requiring SAFR to execrate them out of the vehicle. We do have this i think it required 8 SAFR to be on.

2.) Yes, lets add them

3.) I'm working on boats for all of public safety right now.
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