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Pending skota_89490's Gang Application


New member
Jul 16, 2024
Reaction score
Username: skota_89490

What type of gang are you applying for? Street

What kind of Roleplay will your gang be partaking in? Criminal Organizations to compete for turf.

What's a brief plan of what you want your gang to accomplish? Run the streets.

Please explain the difference between the different styles of gang RP i.e. crime syndicated/mafia/ street gang? Crime Syndicated, mafias, and street gangs are all criminal organizations that can be involved in similar activities like drug trafficking, racketeering, but have different characteristics.

What RP plans do you have for yourself if you get accepted? Be a part of the crew and listen to whatever plan they have to say and have fun.

How do you plan to improve gang RP? Realism, and gang accuracy.

Please explain the difference between RDM, VDM, KOS, METAGAMING, and POWERGAMING in your own words. KOS- Kill on sight with no RP/Encounter. RDM-Random Deathmatch RP with someone and then just killing them for no reason. VDM-Vehicle Deathmatch killing someone with your vehicle. Metagaming- using real life knowledge to accomplish something. Power gaming- Controlling another player's character without permission.

Explain a toxic interaction and why you should never have it in a Roleplay city? The management of harassing others, it would most likely get you banned from the server.
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