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Fixed sliced_pineapple - Can't start engine when taking car out of garage


Staff member
Dec 9, 2023
Reaction score
Username: sliced_pineapple

Bug Title: Can't start engine when taking car out of garage

When did the bug start? May 1, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Starting vehicle and 'put vehicle away' aren't the same keybind

What behavior occurs? Clicking G to start vehicle when in a garage space (after taking the car out) also puts the car back into the garage

Reproduction Steps: 1. Take a vehicle out of a public garage (like Garage C)
2. Be prompted to press G to start engine AND press G to put vehicle away
3. Keep trying until it comes out of the garage with the engine running

Note: Cars do sometimes come out of the garage with the engine on but not always so it's hit or miss. Honestly not sure what keybind would work best for everyone here, but I loved when we could set our own keybind for it back in the day.

JK I'm a silly blind dumb dumb and just couldn't find the spot to change the keybind in the keybinds list so thought it was gone lmao
don't you just love the tickets you get, then you get an email like 2 minutes later saying they fixed it themselves?
What should the keybind be??
I changed mine to 'scroll up' but I know so many people edit all their keybinds (myself included) so not sure what would work best. Maybe E like the housing garages are? You honk your horn when parking but that's not the end of the world.
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