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speed up the recovering process

Idk who down vote this but 1 minute an 40 seconds is Hella long an had 3 people agree with me 🤣 I was able to take a piss an come back of it being finished if I'm fast enough I can prolly take a quick shit an then it be finished when I get back 🤣
It’s a penalty of death. Does it suck when you’re killed by someone yes. But it’s enabled to had weight behind your decision in RP. However, his will be brought up in the next staff meeting.
It’s a penalty of death. Does it suck when you’re killed by someone yes. But it’s enabled to had weight behind your decision in RP. However, his will be brought up in the next staff meeting.
Cool cool idk just feels super long especially of dying by bugs is a usual matter ofc thank you 👌
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