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Fixed wolffin4_6b8 - tried to pull out a stretcher, get ''invisible'' stretcher that can't be put back


New member
Apr 18, 2024
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Username: wolffin4_6b8

Bug Title: tried to pull out a stretcher, get ''invisible'' stretcher that can't be put back

When did the bug start? Apr 21, 2024

What's the expected behavior? alt- viewing ambo to pull out stretcher, alt-viewing to put it back

What behavior occurs? I tried to pull out one but none came out, but I still get the option to put it back in the ambo, but trying to put the non-existent stretcher back also does nothing. Also, couldn't get back in the car. I popped my head and when I came back, the whole ambo had disappeared. Went back to pillbox, pulled the ambo (fordambo2) out of garage again to try again. Got the non-existent stretcher again, and yeah can't get back in the car after I get out of it from when it spawns from the garage. I put the ambo back in garage and pulled it out again... and it still wants be to put back the non-existent stretcher.
I tried deleting my cache and trying again in case it helped, but nope. When I try to take out a stretcher, I still get the invisible stretcher that I can't put back, and, most frustratingly, I can't get in the ambo whenever that happens. If I headpop and pull a new ambo, then I'm fine (as in can get back in the vehicle normally) as long as I don't try to pull out a stretcher.

Reproduction Steps: other people seem to have successfully used the stretchers so i'm not sure

Maybe I should also add, yesterday I also pulled out an invisible stretcher once, but another ems pulled out a ''normal'' stretcher, they put theirs back, and then I was able to put my ''invisible'' one back in, and I was able to pull out a normal working stretcher out after, so it wasn't a problem yesterday.
Username: br3ndino

Bug Title: fordambo stretcher bug

When did the bug start? Apr 24, 2024

What's the expected behavior? stretcher work and don't break ur ability to get in cars

What behavior occurs? a lot of the times when u try to pull a stretcher out of med5, it won't come out and if it doesn't you have to headpop to be able to get into cars again

Reproduction Steps: get out med5 and try to pull out stretcher, cant get in cars after. it breaks most of the time from our experience

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