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Fixed xgreyghostx1917 - Mystery person mission bug


New member
Feb 2, 2024
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Username: xgreyghostx1917

Bug Title: Mystery person mission bug

When did the bug start? Mar 21, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Be able to deliver and complete mystery person mission

What behavior occurs? Doesn't give item to whoever your supposed to deliver to

Reproduction Steps: Accept mystery person mission, go to marked person, select deliver, doesn't deliver item.

Username: suprahs

Bug Title: Dig node unable to be used during mystery person quest

When did the bug start? Apr 3, 2024

What's the expected behavior? Third eye menu gives option to dig.

What behavior occurs? Unable to see the dig option/node. This is the only one that is unable to be completed, the rest for the airstrip mystery person treasure dig worked fine.

Reproduction Steps: Accept mystery person quest at airstrip and go to location in screenshot, try to third eye action with node but it won't show up regardless of position/view/etc.



  • Screenshot 2024-04-03 161738.jpg
    Screenshot 2024-04-03 161738.jpg
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If you look on the minimap it includes where to go and press e to dig


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Ah, when I did it I could only dig through the third eye menu so this one node not having a point in space that brought up the menu was the problem. If E digs on the node now then it's not a problem, at the time E or any other hotkey didn't do anything and I was only able to dig nodes through third eye.
Ah, when I did it I could only dig through the third eye menu so this one node not having a point in space that brought up the menu was the problem. If E digs on the node now then it's not a problem, at the time E or any other hotkey didn't do anything and I was only able to dig nodes through third eye.
I swapped it to E
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